School Reopening Plans in St. Louis with a real life teacher, Brian Vaccaro, 2020-2021 school COVID-19

July 20, 2020, the public and private schools for most of St. Louis County and City announced their decisions for moving forward for the 2020-2021 school year amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Many thoughts and feelings are circling around communities as parents struggle to grasp what is in the best interest of their children’s social/emotional well-being, mental health, and overall health WHILE ALSO looking at how all of this plays in to the parent’s ability to maintain their work (and sanity).

Each school district seems to have their own plans and options. Some schools are offering a completely virtual learning experience OR an in-person full or hybrid. It seems as though at the very least, many students will be learning from home in some capacity this school year. What will teachers do? How will they cope with this? What will parents do? Will the children be successful in continued virtual learning?

There are obviously SO many valid questions and concerns AND moving parts. What is decided today could be completely invalid by time school starts.

Some families are looking for co-ops or hiring a nanny or tutor to assist with virtual learning so that the parent(s) can get back to focusing on work at a normal-ish level. Some families are pulling their kids out of school completely and homeschooling all together. Some families simply can not afford these options or their child(ren) receives in school therapies or assistance and will be potentially left in a really bad position without this continued support. It is heart-breaking knowing so many kids may be “left behind” due to the recent circumstances. It is also overwhelming imagining that your child’s teacher may get COVID and never return to the classroom or a student tests positive and has life long complications from the lasting effects of the virus.

KNOW THIS- You are NOT alone. All mothers, fathers, and caregivers are going through this with you. Find your support system NOW. Lock that in place first and foremost and then the rest will be more manageable.

Check out our conversation with Brian Vaccaro, music educator at Grand Center Arts Academy in St. Louis. Brian takes a very relaxed, flexible, and positive approach to these decisions and in regards to possibilities for the return to school and beyond. See what the classroom may look like especially in light of music programs in the schools.