The Surprising and Everyday Importance and Effect of Music

By Erica DeCosta

Music.  It can really have a great significance is a person’s life. From a simple past-time to a full-time career, music can play such a large role in someone’s everyday routine, and the beauty of this form of art can be both enjoyable and therapeutic. One of the best ways I feel I can explain this is through my own story of music. Growing up, music was always alive in my household, whether it be my mom listening to Matchbox Twenty on her CD mixtape, my dad blasting country music from the garage, or my sisters on their iTunes playing all their emo favorites. As a baby, whenever I would be upset, my parents would just need to put on “One Week” by Barenaked Ladies and I would immediately stop crying and start dancing. Either way, music had a large significance in our household, and it really became our support system when we went through our deepest hardships.

            The year 2008 was a rough one for both my family and me, including a lot of big life transitions that my ten-year-old self was not really ready to handle. This was the ultimate time I turned to music as my escape. I began deep diving into the music and musicians I would listen to, and I discovered my emotional outlet in songwriting. I never knew how empowering it felt to put all my thoughts and emotions on paper and to a melody, and all I hope is for everyone to be able to find that special outlet.


“All one’s life is music, if one touches the notes rightly and in time.” – John Ruskin


            Simply if you allow it, music can give you this whole new perspective and outlet that you never knew you needed. Music has this special ability of being there when words seem to fail. Your life is like a song that is continuing to be written; there may be a few mess-ups or markups, but in the end, you are creating this beautiful and unique melody. Whether it is just a hobby or your life-long passion, keeping music alive in your life can give you this special escape in a world full of what seems like unbearable noise.