5 Musical Ways to Keep Busy At Home

This year, everyone has had to spend a lot more time at home, which can be tough for many. We know it’s easy to get in a rut and be unproductive. This time, however, is a great time to take on a new hobby or find new ways to keep busy. We’ve compiled a quick list of ways you can musically spend your time without having to even leave your home!

1.    Discover New Music. One of the greatest stress relievers and a way to keep busy is listening to music! And we know we all have our go-to favorites, but sometimes it’s great to broaden our interests and maybe discover artists we haven’t heard before. This is also GREAT because when finding new music, you are then helping out a musician during these crazy unpredictable times.


2.    Get Artistically Creative, Start Crafting. Crafting can be a great way to destress and get creative! With resources like Pinterest right at our fingertips, there are thousands of fun music-themed ideas to give a try. One of many references, here are 40 DIY projects you can do simply with sheet music. Music is creative in its own realm, but crafting could help you tap into another creative outlet while also keeping yourself occupied.


3.    Try Songwriting. Now you may be immediately open to this or thinking “no way!” And what we say to that is, you don’t have to be the next best songwriter or even write an entire song. Writing music and expressing your thoughts and emotions through a creative outlet can be extremely therapeutic. Just start off simple and see what you end up coming up with. Never doubt your abilities, you may surprise yourself!

4.   Practice Your Music. It’s been a crazy year, maybe it’s been a while since you picked up your guitar or sat down at your piano. Allow this to be your friendly push to find that creative outlet again! We’re sure you won’t regret it once you get back into the grove of it, it’s an amazing feeling.


5.    Take up a New Instrument. So maybe you haven’t stopped playing your go-to instrument or you don’t play an instrument at all – there’s no better time to start something new! During this time, it is extremely easy to get in a rut, allow yourself the chance to use this time to learn and grow. Plus – you could start music lessons right from the comfort of your house with Shock City School! We’re enrolling now for private online music lessons. *nudge nudge* You can learn more about our online lessons below.

We hope this list helps in some way, whether it gives you that little push you needed or an idea that you hadn’t yet considered. Either way, allow this time to be creative and productive. Our current situations are only temporary, but how we react and spend our time can lead to permanent growth.